WellMinded Counseling – Colorado Counseling

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Aspiring to be Great

As I sit here, I am wondering to myself, how does one become a “great X” or a “great Y”? First things that comes to my mind is practice, then patience, then taking risks, then making mistakes, and then more practice.
I want to be GREAT, to make an impact because I want my existence, my soul, my brain to mean more than just “She was a nice and cool person”. I want to be known for being something that others will aspire to be. I want to change something in the world, that helps life continue to evolve into a more beautiful and elegant existence. With more acceptance and peace… 

If we look at people like the musical artist Macklemore, he’s even famous and he made a song about loving who you want to freely, and song was popular for all of 4-5 months. Is that really a lasting impact? But then their are people like the current president of the United States, he’ll be remembered for more than just this life time I’d imagine. 

There is no math equation to solve this “how to be great?” dilemma, to be at a place of rest in this struggle for wanting to be the greatest I try to walk the middle path, and remember that I have to do what I can each day to make the impact I want to on the world. I’d love to hear feedback on this one, if you have any thoughts or suggestions please post them.