WellMinded Counseling – Colorado Counseling

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Being a Helper

Bringing people together, holding space for someone else pain, or even patting someone on the back, can change someone's day, and fulfill a passion.  

My passion in life is being the best person I can be. To be the women my mom has raised, I love to help people out of there problems by guiding them with my advice. Doing so makes me feel good inside; knowing that I can help someone through their problems they are going through. To give them advice I would take myself, if I were in their position. Everyone has a passion in life, if it’s to become a successful man or women in their carrier or to be a stay at home parent for their family that they chose to have. Mine is to help other people, always making sure that person has someone to talk to, someone to see their point of view. I love when my sister comes to me with her problems because I love the feeling of knowing what I’m saying or doing is helping her to be in a better state of mind. To help her through whatever is bothering her, or even if it’s as simple as her having a bad day. I will be there for her no matter how small the problem may or may not be. Because seeing her happy and knowing she is okay is all the satisfaction I need in life. My passion is to make the people around me feel like they’re not alone in feeling the way they feel, that it’s not unusual to feel like the world is crashing down right in front of you. People have their bad days it’s not uncommon, the way I see a brightness come back to someone’s eyes that their day has just gotten better is what I live for, it’s what I love. And I will continue to have this passion throughout my life time, because this passion to me is the best passion anyone could ever have in my eyes. Family means everything.