WellMinded Counseling – Colorado Counseling

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Judgemental frenemies

Frenemy: a person with whom one is friendly despite a fundamental dislike or rivalry.

We have all had them (at least it seems), someone we keep in our life because we want to fix them, or are to scared to say "no" to them, or we simply want to earn their approval. These thoughts and feelings can not only impact our relationship with them, it can effect our relationship with others and ourselves. Why may that be?

We want to change who we are to fit in with them?

We want to change who they are because they need "fixing"?

We want them to be happy?

We think they "need us"?

We are afraid of what they will say to others if we don't do everything they say?

We want to hold onto every relationship we have because we don't want to be alone?


See if these statements or one akin to these sounds like it fits how you feel about someone in your life. Do you feel comfortable, safe, and like yourself in these relationships? How much energy is consumed by participating in this relationship? Is this relationship benefiting you and them or either or?

To change this problem, look for friends who value you, value what you like, or what you do. People who share similar morals, ethics and values. Look for someone that you can bring any topic or conversation up with. Honor yourself and take the step to move away from Frenemies. You deserve more than that!