WellMinded Counseling – Colorado Counseling

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The Body Keeps the Score

By: Andorra Turner

“The Body Keeps the Score” is a book written by Bessel Van Der Kolk, M.D. The author is both a therapist, as well as a scientific researcher on psychology and trauma. He explores advances in the research of trauma and how we have learned how trauma affects us both physically and mentally. It explores how trauma affects us, using real examples that the author has experienced with his clients.

The effects of trauma are far-reaching, and they may affect individuals dealing with trauma and PTSD in more ways than they realize. Many individuals who have experienced trauma struggle to understand and communicate their feelings. It can be very helpful for these individuals to understand how their own minds have been affected by what they have experienced. “The Body Keeps the Score” can be a helpful tool for gaining more understanding.

Bessel Van der Kolk states that trauma is not the events that we have experienced, but how our body responds to those events. Trauma keeps our brains in “fight or flight” mode and doesn’t allow us to feel safe. Recognizing how trauma has affected us and taking steps to allow ourselves to feel safe is important in recovery.

Do you ever find yourself:

  • Having flashbacks, nightmares, or intrusive memories of events that have happened to you in the past.

  • Avoiding things that remind you of the traumatic event(s) that happened to you because they cause you distress.

  • Having persistent numbness/apathy and detachment, or anxiety and hypervigilance?

It might be worth talking with a therapist or reading “The Body Keeps the Score”. These are normal responses to traumatic events; it’s the way that our brain tries to keep us alive. It is possible to make changes that will allow you to experience safety, support, trust, and happiness. You can reach out to a trauma-informed therapist to help you work through this, and therapy as well as tools like “The Body Keeps the Score” can help you gain greater understanding and less judgment towards the things that you are struggling with.

3 teachings from the author

  • He teaches us what trauma is, and how it is different from everyday stressors that we experience. He explains how one event may cause trauma for one individual, but a different individual, would not be as affected by it.

  • He teaches how trauma affects us both mentally and physically - how it can have many symptoms that may be difficult for someone experiencing trauma to understand.

  • Lastly, he teaches ways that make it possible for someone who has had a traumatic experience to recover from that trauma, such as EMDR therapy. He explains them in ways that may make it easier for someone experiencing trauma to choose which method may be the right one for them.

Here is a helpful YouTube video in which Bessel van der Kolk details his views on trauma and things that may help someone work through it. What is trauma?


Therapy for depression isn’t the only service we offer. WellMinded Counseling offers the following counseling services: