WellMinded Counseling – Colorado Counseling

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Mindset Maintenance: What to Do During Uncertainty

Let’s face it: crisis and uncertainty are inevitable. It’s true the date for when the world will return to normal keeps getting pushed back, but it’s also true that this pandemic will end. 

Our digital landscape isn’t helping our mindsets as well as it could. The news is constantly sharing mixed content for what are the best precautions and recommendations for managing our day-to-day lives, and words such as “pandemic,” “quarantine” and “closures” are in our everyday vocabulary (along with a face mask becoming the most fashionable accessory of 2020). 

Aside from this, unemployment rates vary each month, schools open, close or change to virtual learning environments as often as the weather changes, and everyone across the country is feeling isolated, stressed and anxious. Working parents are forced to partake in multiple roles beyond capacity as an employee, parent and teacher, among other duties. 

How can we best protect our minds during this uncertain time? Your attitude really is everything. 

It’s critical to not let fear take over our minds - after all, fear is a more damaging virus to mankind. Instead, summon the courage to reinterpret fear as a calling to be stronger and serve the greater good. 

What are some ways to manage your thoughts?


While practicing meditation, you’re encouraged to focus on the present moment on purpose and without judgement. During this time, your mind is distracted from the thoughts that had caused you anxiety, stress or fear. Over time, regular meditation practitioners learn to appreciate the present moment versus focuses on the past. 

Unsure how to get started? Try shifting your energy. Begin by taking a deep breath and closing your eyes. And then, begin to notice things:

  • How you’re feeling at this very moment

  • Emotions and sensations you feel

  • See if you know why you’re feeling these emotions or sensations

At this point, acknowledge the reason and let it go with a deep inhale and exhale. Reset with additional deep breaths. Keep noticing and maintaining attention on your sensations until you feel connected to a new state, and then open your eyes. 

In this uncertain time, it’s normal for anxiety and stress to increase each day. Return to a centered mindset with daily meditation.