Relationship with yourself

Today’s society often finds it difficult to focus on themselves when undergoing anxiety, depression, stress, anger, frustration, etc. Focusing on oneself not only allows one to acknowledge what is wrong but also how to make it better. As everyone knows, everyone experiences negative thoughts; the difference is, how one can properly handle them. One of the best ways in controlling what you may be undergoing is gaining control over your self-care. A popular way to do that is by Mindfulness.


There are many forms of Mindfulness with only one importance in mind-to help you find a way to clear and settle your mind. Some of the forms are:

*Meditation focuses on loving compassion for yourself, allowing negative thoughts to exit the mind

      -Get comfortable (does not matter where or how), Consider a timer (this will allow you to spend more time focused on the meditation and less on the time), Focus on breathing (notice the air coming in through your nose, your stomach rising, and air going out through your nose), Notice your thoughts (don’t push them away but don’t sit on them. Accept them. When they come up, acknowledge them, and then let them go their way). 

*Mindful Breathing-focus on your breathing, “boxed breathing”-breath in deeply and hold for 4 seconds, then breath out and hold for 4 seconds. This helps take the mind off of the stress that is going on at the moment and allows you to feel in control of the situation once again. 

*Visualization-This is when you focus on walks and focus on each different color around you. This will help you to enjoy your day more and not feel as rushed, nor as bored.

    -I have suggested to clients to use this when they feel anxious and/or mad. Take a deep breath and if that alone does not help look around the room for so many things of a specific color. You will soon find yourself more caught up in finding those than in the previous situation. 

*Mindful Movement-This may include walking meditation or any form of physical practice. 

      -Before anyone becomes worried by physical practice, yoga does fall under that and is actually very popular.

      -Yoga is known to help clear the mind before someone heads out to start the day and/or to clear the mind and release the stress to sleep soundly.

*Body Scan-You slowly notice each and every piece of your body. Begin by focusing on the strength coming up, or down and throughout every part. Then focus on every color-not just the skin, but veins and scars-which can help you accept them more if needed. Finally, begin touching your feet (inner/outer and notice the differences), legs (notice the hairs, moles, scars), all the way up to your head. The importance of this is to gain awareness of who you are, not who you mentally see. 

              -This is known to greatly help those who suffer from eating disorders and/or may have had their body suddenly scarred due to a tragic accident. 

*Journaling-Many have different views of this. Mainly this allows you to jot down negative thoughts as they are happening to get them off your mind. You can write down the date and what was the trigger. This is suggested to see if any trigger is in common, if there is then you can stay away from it and begin feeling more positive. 

By: Courtney Miller, LPC
